
New Moon Trailer: Most Trite Love Story Ever

Today I went to see "The Box" but I'm not going to talk about that. Instead I'm going to talk about the New Moon trailer I saw before the movie.

Well let me tell you. This looks like the biggest bunch of bullshit love story ever. This girl fell in love with some dude vampire she met once and things just don't work out...so she goes to the point of "killing herself" to get him to come back. Sounds like a crazy ass bitch to me. Sound like the guy is better off. She's messing with a world she doesn't understand, nor does she belong there...but yet...she loves him...so she doesn't care. She'll fuck up her life, his life, and the life of all other vampires just because she has some stupid high school crush on the guy...I'm sorry...but that's retarded.

Worse yet, when the guys finds out she "killed" herself, he decides to kill himself so he can "be with her." Are you kidding me? She's a stupid immature high school girl and he's a vampire who's been around FOREVER! or at least that's how vampires are supposed to be. No way in all his travels through time a stupid high school girl is the perfect woman for him...please.

What bothered me even more was that the way he has to kill himself is to go into the sunlight...hmmm...yes that kills vampires...but...ummm...doesn't he and all the other vampires go in the sun all the time in this movie? yeah...I don't get it. This "saga" is exploiting stupid teenagers who think they understand love and is destroying all of the lore and mythology that occupies the vampire genre.

Final thought, doesn't this love story sound like a warped version of Romeo and Juliet? Girl "kills" herself (but not really) guy thinks she's dead so he kills himself. Please, give me a break. If you're gonna do that, please make it less obvious. Or make it clear that you're paying homage to Shakespeare and not just blatantly ripping him off.

I have lost all respect I never had for the Twilight "Saga" if you can even call it that. Lord of The Rings was a saga...Twilight...is not.